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The Friction of Remote Work

Do you go into the office? Yes, no, maybe so? Some love it, some hate it. I’m not here to advocate for working remote or for going into the office. I think the natural future of work is to revert to some mean between 100% remote and 100% office. Generally speaking, as it pertains to travel, the majority of people want to travel more, and as it pertains to working in office, the majority of people do in fact like the optionality of going into the office.

If you went to college, you’ll probably recall all those times leaving your dorm or apartment to go study and get work done. Yes because it was small, but also to get away from distractions. If you were like me, you probably spent a lot of time across libraries, coffee shops, and education buildings (I.e. business school, science building, etc.). I always felt more productive in those environments. I firmly think a lot of that has to do with the surrounding atmosphere - not only are you in a place with another purpose than sleeping, eating, and relaxing, but you are surrounded by other individuals who are also getting work done. I think there was a lot to be said for this peer pressure/accountability dynamic.

I’m a firm believer that the same holds true for professionals today. If you work from home, sure you can get in the zone, get focused, and pound out some important work, but if you’re like 99% of other human beings, it’s highly likely you can become rather easily distracted. You’re in the comfort of your own home.

This goes without saying, but there is additionally a social element that comes into play here. Individuals like and crave being around others. It’s only natural - so when you were going to the library in college, part of the benefit of that experience was socializing with others. That’s definitely a huge perk of going into the office.

Again, I’m not here to discuss all the in-office/out of office numbers. I won’t get into all the numbers purporting the increased “productivity” of workers during the pandemic. The reality is there is a growing segment of individuals who are traveling while working. And their reality as it stands is working from cafes or purchasing coworking memberships because they don’t want to be locked in their Airbnb/hotel to work all day.

But once again, echoing back to last week’s post, here we get into the logistical challenges of executing on that. Nomads have to identify locations to ensure their airbnb/hotel is near a suitable cafe or coworking space. Not to mention dealing with the availabilities of cafes and the improbability that the coworking space is able to give you a reasonable rate for the amount of time you’re there (most ask for a 12 month minimum membership or charge you an absurd amount for day passes). This adds another layer of friction in booking their accommodations.

So, once again, how do you streamline this?

Close your eyes for a minute. Just kidding, you won’t be able to read this. But take a second to imagine you're holding onto a digital “Nomadiq passport.” This passport enables you to travel the world, have constant access to our properties. You can walk into homes across the globe and you’ll be constantly greeted by your friends and like-minded individuals. Each property you walk into, you have all the comforts of home - kitchens, private bathrooms, ready to cook utensils and food basics. When you need to focus and get work done, you have access to a coworking space to call your own office. When you need to get PUMPED UP, you have access to a full scale gym, not just yoga mats and crappy hotel gyms. With this Nomadiq passport, you will be able to constantly travel around the globe, and regardless of where you are, feel at home.

This is what we’re building.

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