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Stryke's Scoop September 2020

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

August 2020 Highlights

Goldman Sachs Next Gen Summer Series Caring About a Cause Winner

- Awarded $12,000 grant to charity Girls on the Run on my behalf

Successful road trip to Baylor in electric car

- Despite the rumors, Texas does have charging stations

Tapped for Baylor Angel Network

- Invited to work on valuation of hotel development in downtown Waco

Began internship with Saba Karim

- Matching startups with VC firms, other important tactical work

Still COVID free

- After two weeks of school and four separate COVID tests

Achieved 6.4% body fat

- Running 4 mi/day 2x per week, 2 mi/day 3x per week, & workouts 5x per week

Key Metrics

Books read:

- Capitalism Without Capital by Jonathan Haskel

This book outlines the everchanging dynamics in the financial world around productive investment shifting towards high cost, high risk. This makes it increasingly challenging for break through companies to win market share unless their product/service is truly unique.

- Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher

This is a remarkable outline for how to orchestrate the negotiation process to get the most out of your desires. So many minor lessons come together to create the basis for a winning, mutually beneficial negotiation every time you walk into a meeting.

What type of metrics would you like to hear? Would love to hear your feedback


Navigating COVID on a college campus that continues to have in-person classes has been difficult.

- How much precaution is too much?

Meeting new people

- COVID is tough


As I sit and write this today, I find myself craving some advice, wisdom, or even general knowledge. My inbox is constantly bombarded by good news, bad news, pesky junk mail, and everything in between. I would love to hear a quick quote or piece of wisdom. No need for it to be original, maybe just something that you’ve been thinking about recently.

Also, I’m thinking of calling this “Stryke’s Scoop,” would greatly appreciate any feedback on the name.


  • Thank you, Saba, for encouraging me to start this habit. I am so excited to get in this routine and learn from all the feedback. I am so grateful to have begun this mentorship experience. I have had such meaningful and practical takeaways already – I can’t wait for what’s next.

  • Pam! Thank you so so much for the introduction to Saba. From the day we had the opportunity to walk around Wash Park, I was so inspired by all you do to promote positive change that is solving real problems. Looking forward to developing a relationship moving forward

  • Mom and Dad – love y’all. None of this would be possible without your support. Thank you, Mom, so much for the intro to Pam – this whole experience has already been truly remarkable.

Closing Thoughts

I’ve been pondering the unverified quote by John Lennon: “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life.”

What’s Next

  • Hotel development proposal just delayed, so BAN is currently on hold.

  • School is picking up, September is a big test month

  • I will continue working with Saba on a number of different projects

  • Water fast in a few days...

Until next month!

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