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Stryke's Scoop September 2021

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Can't believe it's already September...

Alfonz and myself on set...

August Highlights

  • Completed first run-through of a sprint Triathlon

    • Clocked an hour and twenty two minutes

    • Goal for the actual is hour fifteen

  • Worked on upcoming movie with creators of South Park

    • Finally had the opportunity to work alongside my Dad in the film business.

  • Found a bike in LA!

    • Yes I had to drive out to LA to get my bike... rough.

  • Lots of due diligence

  • Only 4 more days of 75 Hard!


Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Key Takeaways:

  1. To create something truly scalable, you must be able to capture some of the value you create. (the easiest way to do this is to create disproportionate value)

  2. Successful companies are monopolies. Whether small or big, they have taken over a certain niche within a larger market to successfully differentiate themselves and capitalize on their proficiencies.

  3. If it creates positive value, focus relentlessly on that with which you are proficient.

  4. There are four primary barriers to success: incrementalism (feeling you should take it slowly, step-by-step), risk aversion, complacency, and the perception the world is homogeneous (that if an idea were worthwhile, it would already be out there).

  5. Your business must provide more value than just its product or service.

Fav quote:

“Our ancestors lived in zero-sum societies… we no longer need to seize things from others to achieve success.”

I've started writing better summaries for all my books, which can be found under my Resources tab. Read the full summary of Zero to One here.


  • Figuring out how to leverage into my co-living business model.

    • To optimize the utility of build out costs, it makes the most sense to own the building in which the business operates, however that makes it incredibly difficult to successfully leverage. Unlike other startups that are taking over the prop-tech and co-living industries, we don't rely on leasing a property and subsequently subleasing portions of the property. Therein lies the difficulty. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

  • Not being sore!!


  • Dad – It was so fun getting to finally work behind the scenes with you. Hopefully "Fred Sassy, Sassy Justice!" makes it to some big screens - hoping we don't end up with a Wiseau on our hands.

Closing Thoughts

  • Continually looking for ways to build upon business models and find opportunities to participate in mutually beneficial endeavors. Let me know if you have anything!

  • If anyone in the Denver metro wants to start training with me (swimming, biking, running, or even hiking) let me know! Always fun to have a training buddy.

What’s Next

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out my blog. Or if you want to see what I did last month, check out my Stryke’s Scoop from August!

Until next month!

Stryker Lewis

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