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October 2021

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

That feeling when you realize your next race is 4x the length of the last...

September Highlights

  • Finished 3rd place in the Littlefoot Triathlon

    • 1' 17"

  • Finished 75 Hard!

  • Attended US Greenbuild Conference

  • Interviews...


Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

*still reading this, should finish in the next few days & will subsequently update*

I've started writing better summaries for all my books, which can be found under my Resources tab. Read the full summary of the last book I finished, Zero to One here.


  • Finding investment property

    • Setting my long term sustainable living concept to the side in the meantime, I've been focusing on locating a property in which I can co-invest with some partners. Been looking at different opportunities including motels, short term rentals, and even land plays.

  • Not being sore!!


  • Ryan - so fun to watch you play and share a few meals with you during the season. Looking forward to training for the Ironman these next few months!

Closing Thoughts

  • I went on my first 10 mile run the other day and subsequently felt like I had lost all ability to walk. I have since recovered, and today was fortunate enough to go on a 40 mile bike ride in the chilly fall weather. Looking forward to the leaves changing!!

  • If anyone in the Denver metro wants to start training with me (swimming, biking, running, or even hiking) let me know! Always fun to have a training buddy.

What’s Next

  • I have my first half Ironman at the end of this month, woohoo!

  • Urban Land Institute Conference (remote)

  • Still hoping Marc Lore will take my coffee date to talk Telosa.

    • If you somehow have a connection, please let me know!

  • Property Hunting

  • Real Estate Newsletter… tbc

  • Sustainability… tbc

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out my blog. Or if you want to see what I did last month, check out my Stryke’s Scoop from September!

Until next month!

Stryker Lewis

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