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Stryke's Scoop October 2020

I hope this post finds you having a great start to Q4. Almost time for the Holidays! It's time for a brand new edition of Stryke's Scoop! Let me know what you think!

September 2020 Highlights

Second round interview with Baylor Angel Network

- Looking to make my involvement official

Began Harvard + University of Zurich Sustainable Investment cohort

- Chosen to be one of 18 individuals in international group

Successful 120 Hour Water Fast

- Five days straight of nothing but H2O

Began Phase 1

- This is part 2 of the famed 75 Hard

Weekend Trip to Austin

- Got sushi, pictures, & good times

Got over Strep Throat

Books Read

The Buddah and the Badass by Vishen Lakhiani

This book encourages readers to reframe their life in order to truly achieve their

life goals instead of getting stuck in a life of regularity. READ THIS BOOK.

The Master Key System by Charles Haanel

This oldie provides a framework for organizing your life and mind in a manner

such that you are able to succeed with swiftness. 

The Book of Swindles by Yinghu Zhang

I picked it up thinking the majority of the stories would be literal lessons about

fraud, however, being centuries old, some help to shed light on deeper topics. It

also has its fair share of jokes

What type of metrics would you like to hear? Would love to hear your feedback


Getting back on track after the water fast

- Restructuring my days proved more difficult than I expected

Strep throat

Still difficult to meet new people

- COVID + masks, getting better though!


I would greatly appreciate if you could send me the names of 2 companies whose platform you think is really innovative. Please don’t fill my inbox with “Tesla is great.” I’m talking about smaller companies or even startups that are doing something cool and unique.

Tell me about your favorite new daily habit

(Yes I am politely asking you to send me an email :))


Louis – This is overdue but thank you for suggesting the 75 Hard challenge to Kyle and me in the first place. I know we are both incredibly thankful for all it has inspired us to do. Also, big ups to you for providing a layout and template for me to use for my website & brand building.

Colin – Dude. Glad I could convince you to start Phase 1 with me. Glad you’ve been able to take a lot away from it so far. Looking forward to seeing the end result.

Saba – I’ve been loving the experience of all that we have done so far. I am eager to see what these new opportunities may bring, can’t wait for what’s next. 

Closing Thoughts

Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of inward reflection while also taking the time to have deep, intentional, and intellectual conversations with those who inspire me. Especially being in college, I’m surrounded by people who know the “what,” meaning they know what their goals are, they know generally what they want to do, but they don’t know the “how.” So many people my age fall into the societal norm of going into corporate America without fully realizing they can actively pursue their passion while also making a career out of it. This is something I want to help shed a brighter light on in order to better influence my peers. 

What’s Next

  • Write my personal manifesto

  • Seeking promotion from Saba to help him build out a start up! More details to come... ;)

  • Formulate Ikigai

  • Hopefully be officially chosen to serve on Baylor Angel Network

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out my blog. Or if you want to see last month's update, check out my Stryke’s Scoop from August!

Until next month!


Stryker Lewis

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