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January 2022

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

If you're actually reading this when I publish it - Happy New Year!

"Aweee yeah! An app! Yeahhhh..."

December Highlights

  • Officially received my commercial real estate license

    • I can now legally be paid for selling properties

  • Added another client

    • Dealflow!!

  • Consistency back in the gym!!

    • I can't tell you how excited I am! No more endurance!! I love it!!

  • Christmas

    • Family and food - can't complain

  • First real snow in Denver for the season

    • Literally on Dec 31st


Bluefishing by Steve Sims

Key Takeaways

1. Create more value for others than yourself.

2. Avoid paralysis by analysis at ALL costs.

3. Embrace uncertainty.

4. Execute. Do what you say you will and more.

5. Be afraid of stagnation.

6. Be raw. Be authentic. Be genuine.

7. Be selective about what you say yes to.

8. Continually learn from those smarter than you.

If you wanna read the summary for this book, click here, or to read summaries of other books I've read, check my Book Summaries tab.


Having finished all the triathlons currently on my schedule, I am now transitioning away from my endurance training and back to weight training. My first day back in the gym, I found I have definitely got some strength to build back up.


  • Colin - Great book rec. Thank you for giving me Bluefish... I will definitely continue the tradition and pass it on to someone who would greatly benefit from it.

  • Matt Weist - Thank you for taking me under your wing and helping me get up to speed in the CRE space!

  • Emmett - big things in store... excited to work together and even more excited you're in Denver for the next year.

Closing Thoughts

  • I began a new book today called 4,000 Weeks. That's how many weeks the average human lives. In the first two pages he talks about the absurdity of attempting to multitask. I read this while on a Peloton. lol.

  • The sustainability focused newsletter I have been hinting at for the last few months is finally here! Built to Zero is a weekly newsletter about how incorporating sustainable practices in real estate can positively impact productivity, morale, and your bottom line. Sign up here!

What’s Next

  • Closing my first CRE deal (mid January)

  • App for boredom

  • Fantasy fund app (ask me)

  • Property Purchase (Q1 for flip)

  • Real Estate Newsletter… it's finally here!!!! See above or sign up here!

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out my blog. Or if you want to see what I did last month, check out my Stryke’s Scoop from December!

Until next month!

Stryker Lewis

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