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February 2022

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Sad empty apartment... as quickly as I moved in, I moved out... :(

January Highlights

  • Moved out of apartment

    • So this is a doozy. My lease wasn't supposed to expire until September, but the past couple months at "The Grand" were everything but grand. Flooding apartment, stolen cars, falling glass... oh my! Not only is the internal plumbing of the 24 story building shot, but the glass railings on apartments that had balconies were incorrectly installed, causing multiple panels to fall 20+ stories and shatter on the ground (luckily no injuries). Also, my friend's car was stolen. For more, check out It's Not So Grand on Instagram - it's literally a highlight reel of all the crap that's gone down at the building...

  • Closed 1st deal!

    • Helped a construction company purchase their new HQ in north Denver... a 8,000 SF mixed-use building.

  • Officially started BUILT TO ZERO!!!

    • This is my sustainable real estate newsletter... check it out! Subscribe here!Grow Built to Zero! See above or sign up here!

  • Ski trips

    • Made it up to shred some pow a few times... had a BLAST.


I won't lie, I've been slacking on the books because of all the reading for the newsletter... should have a summary of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals out by mid February... check back soon.

If you wanna read the summary for the last book I read, Bluefishing, click here, or to read summaries of other books I've read, check my Book Summaries tab.


Having to move 8 months prematurely. Back with the parents at the moment, moving into the new place mid March... woohoo.


  • Mom & Dad - Thank you for helping me move and letting me move back in for a few weeks... this is super helpful.

  • Colin & crew - Thank y'all for inviting me up to Breck! Had a blast hanging with you guys... definitely need to make it happen again.

Closing Thoughts

I'm trying to figure out how to scale and grow following for Built to Zero so I can connect with industry leaders. I was so excited the other day when I saw Brendan Wallace, co-founder and principal at Fifth Wall, a sustainability-focused VC firm, liked one of my LinkedIn posts. I'd love to get connected with industry thought-leaders like him if only to exchange ideas. Let me know if you have any thoughts/connections/suggestions!

What’s Next

  • Grow Built to Zero! See above or sign up here!

  • Closing more deals

  • App for boredom (under construction... D.B.A. "Get Unbored")

  • Fantasy fund app (ask me)

  • Property Purchase (Q1 for flip)

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out my blog. Or if you want to see what I did last month, check out my Stryke’s Scoop from January!

Until next month!

Stryker Lewis

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