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December 2021

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

~Running~ a little late...

This newsletter is a quicky...

November & Early December Highlights

  • Finished my second half Ironman in Palm Springs

    • 6'00"

  • Entered first Buyer representative agreement

  • Turkey day!

  • Networking


Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

Key Takeaways

  1. Humans are irrational beings with several biases we are not privy to.

  2. Challenge your own beliefs before challenging those of others.

  3. Be wary of information that directly confirms your own point of view.

  4. Incorporate uncertainty into all assertions and assumptions.

  5. Build out groups in your life that challenge your own beliefs to seek out truth.

  6. Be open to all ideas and be reluctant to make decisions or agreements with those who are not.

  7. Share everything you know: don’t be afraid to be wrong.

  8. Understand we are inclined to favor our present self over our future self when it comes to decisions in the moment.

  9. You can become a more accurate decision maker when you consider all variables that might affect the final outcome.

If you wanna read the summary for this book, click here, or to read summaries of other books I've read, check my Book Summaries tab.


Having finished all the triathlons currently on my schedule, I am now transistioning away from my endurance training and back to weight training. My first day back in the gym, I found I have definitely got some strength to build back up.


  • Ryan - You got me into the triathlon addiction. Expensive, time consuming, but oh so worth it. Such a fun event and such a great accomplishment - thank you for pushing me and encouraging me.

  • Family - Thank you guys for coming out to support and cheer me on at the IM! Thank you mom for finding a sweet place to stay.

  • Ramsey - I WANT MORE CHICKEN MAISON... Thank you for bringing all the food for the weekend.

Closing Thoughts

  • If you or anyone you know is interested in sustainability, LET ME KNOW! I love picking people's minds and learning from everyone.

  • Again, if there is anyone in Denver who wants to start training with me (swimming, biking, running, or even hiking) let me know! Me and my friend Ryan love having weekend groups to train with.

What’s Next

  • Closing my first deal

  • Property Hunting (for investment purposes)

  • Real Estate Newsletter… coming 1/1/22!!

  • Sustainability… coming 1/1/22

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out my blog. Or if you want to see what I did last month, check out my Stryke’s Scoop from November!

Until next month!

Stryker Lewis

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