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Stryke's Scoop December 2020

Updated: Dec 12, 2020

Month of busyness

November Highlights

Safe Road trip back to Denver

Officially Completed No Shave November

- I sincerely apologize for not posting a picture to go along, but suffice it to

say, the scraggly beard was not a look.

Reunited with family (parents)


I am now graduating May of 2021.

- That's right - in just six months, a full year earlier than anticipated! Though I

will no longer be getting a full Mathematics minor or a Real Estate Major, I

will still graduate with degrees in Business Administration (Business Fellows)

and Finance.

Books Read

Unfu*k Yourself by Gary Bishop

- Despite the vulgar title, this book provides great insight into how to find

clarity when things get cloudy. After last month's craziness and the

workload this month, this refreshing read has provided a great guide for

navigating the murky waters.



- Between school at Baylor and Univeristy of Zurich in tandem with my

internship at Sidewalk, balancing the work load has been a bit much.

Fortunately, Baylor's finals are this week!


Today I have a much more important ask. I have recently come across a great opportunity to cut utility costs at large scale commercial buildings by upwards of 40% using AI. This correlates to roughly a $200,000 in savings on an average sized commercial building per year. I am in no way related to said company, but would love to get insight by anyone in the commercial RE arena if at all possible (would be glad to share company info if desired).

So my ask today: if you are in the large scale commercial real estate arena (or know someone who is), I would love to hear your thoughts on this concept. Please reach out to me via email.


Mom & Dad - Thank you guys so much for having me for Thanksgiving. I am eternally grateful for all that you both do for our family. I love you guys.

Closing Thoughts

I am so excited for the end of this semester. I'm looking forward to spending some more time on Sidewalk and my own passions rather than school.

What’s Next

  • Vegetarian challenge through New Years?

  • Be more active on my blog (look for updates!)

If you’re curious to see more of what’s going on, be sure to check out the rest of my blog. Or to see last month's update, check out Stryke’s Scoop from November!

Until next month!

Stryker Lewis

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