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This week flew by...

Between it being my first full week back in Waco since early February and midterms, I kept fairly busy. But busy isn't necessarily good, as we all know. If you're busy, it doesn't necessarily mean you're being productive. You could be wasting your time doing something that will provide you no long-term benefit, thereby wasting your time.

Throughout my week, I unfortunately ran into many instances of just that - time-sucks preventing me from truly being productive. A lot of this, as I have come to learn, is a result of school. Especially with graduation and degree requirements, students frequently have to take courses that are not really applicable to our end-goal. Though some of said courses can be hugely beneficial to thought processes and general understanding and curiosity (think philosophy, fine art, etc...), some are truly irrelevant, and result in sunk time cost. Two such examples from my past week: Engineering Statistics and Intermediate Accounting, both degree-required. Statistics (regardless of the type) is a degree requirement, and since I was formerly a math minor, that would have been my requisite class. Intermediate Accounting seems like it would be applicable to my business focus, but it is essentially a reiteration of financial and managerial accounting courses. Unfortunately, these two classes take at least 12 hours out of my week every week. Assuming I am awake 16 hours per day, that's over 10% of my time... pretty considerable in the scheme of things.

That same portion of my time could instead be allocated towards starting a business, furthering my status at my current job, or even exploring an artistic endeavor, all of which would benefit me in their respective fashions, allowing me to actually be productive. Luckily this is my last semester of school, so I'm looking forward to being done with the time suck. Unfortunately, however, it is this time that I will not be able to get back. One of the best times to start a business or get ahead in the work world is at a young age, so I am unfortunately forgoing that theoretical advantage of my young age.

This is more of a rant, and as such, I plan to disperse these "ponderings" a bit more now as to generate more insightful thoughts. Look for these every other week moving forward...


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