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phase 1: the preface

So this summer I did the 75 Hard. If you're not familiar with it, it's a challenge created by Andy Frisella that includes six daily habits:

  1. Follow a diet

  2. Two 45 min workouts (one outside)

  3. No alcohol

  4. One gallon of water

  5. 10 pages non-fiction reading

  6. Take a progress photo

*I added in cold showers to my original 75 Hard because of the various health benefits.

I finished on July 23rd, but in all reality, I never really finished. Surprisingly, I kept with it, working out twice a day, sticking with my diet, drinking LOTS of water, reading, I was continuing to live out the 75 Hard and I loved it. I truly haven't felt better. The first time I actually took a day off from working out was day 2 of the water fast. That's insane to me. I think it goes to show just how a great habit building challenge the 75 Hard is.

That being said, I think taking that week off from my routine was a large step back. When I finally got off the water fast, I realized just how difficult it really is to get into such a healthy routine and lifestyle. During the Hard 75, I felt like I was invincible. After the water fast, I definitely had some uncertainty in my head. I think that's the perfect reason to do what I will be doing now.

Phase 1

Phase 1 is the next step of the 75 Hard journey. For those who have completed the 75 Hard, Phase 1 was created by Andy Frisella to help further instill those same traits of hard work and dedication after taking some time off. Instead of a full 75 days, Phase 1 only takes course over a 30 day period. This challenge has all the same stipulations as the 75 Hard plus 3 newbies:

  1. Cold showers

  2. 10 minutes of visualization

  3. Three critical "Power List Tasks"

Where I am now

So me and my buddies (Louis & Kyle) who initially did the 75 Hard are all doing this Phase 1 together as well, however, we each began at different times. So I thought it'd be fun to invite another friend of mine, Colin, to join me to see what his experience is like jumping in as a first timer.

We began on Monday the 21st. It's been pretty easygoing so far.


Diet & Water

For my meals, I've just tightened up my fasting times, not eating until 6:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and eating no earlier that 1:30 pm the rest of the week. I ensure to cease eating by 7:30. The Mediterranean diet is something I will continue playing around with, so far I've been limiting my protein intake to white meat, fish, nuts, and greek yogurt. I've also considerably increased my consumption of vegetables. No huge effects yet, but I will keep you posted.

The water is super easy. Once your body gets the hang of consuming so much water, you definitely notice the incessant urge to pee resides.


I've been doing runs in the morning with the exception of Tuesday when it was pouring down rain - I decided to do stairs and sprints in the open air parking garage (good way to stay dry and get in my outdoor workout). My indoor workouts usually just consist of rotating through normal regimen, hitting different muscle groups on each given day. I have had one "down" day so far. This is more just for longevity in the Hard 75/Phase 1 challenge, just to ensure I can keep stamina. My "down" day consisted of 45 minutes of yoga (still active) instead of a regular workout.


As for my reading, I've been jumping around a little bit. I finished The Master Key System (great book) on Monday, picked up The Book of Swindles for the past couple days, then just today, got a new book called The Buddha and the Badass. I am very much looking forward to reading this.


The 10 minute meditations have been very fruitful. They help me recenter in the middle of the day to help guide the rest of my day in the proper direction. It affords me time to sit and focus on being thoughtless, present, and satisfied. Thus far, I think these have been one of the most beneficial aspects of Phase 1.

Cold Showers

Cold showers. Hah. These are the norm for me now. They honestly feel great. Yeah, sure, the first couple of times it might be a little painful to get in, but after you start feeling the energy they provide and how great they make you feel in general, I PROMISE you, you will be changed.

Power Tasks

The goal setting is a fun aspect. Starting my last week of 75 Hard, I began the nightly practice of writing three things I was thankful for, one lesson, and three goals for the following day. I've been pretty persistent with this, but now noting them as "Power List Tasks," gives them a bit more authority. I'm still wavering between specificity and ambiguity, trying to feel them out as I go. I feel like the more specific I get, the more likely I am to get them done. However, the more ambiguous I get, the more the world seems to offer. It's difficult to explain.

Say for one goal or "Power List Task," I write "Consume 0 added sugar." This is very specific. Therefore, it's pretty easy to follow. However, I have experimented with tasks like "Go out of your way to make someone else's day." Though completely ambiguous, this tends to lend itself to being more generous, more caring, and more observant throughout the day, ensuring I follow through with the task by in fact making someone else's day.

In Closing

I feel good. Going to keep at it. only have about 26 more days to go. See you soon!

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