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75 Hard: Week 3.5

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Ironman training and more...

The Past Two Weeks

I think I've done a really good job the past two weeks of implementing diversification into my schedule. Instead of doing the same repetitious training every week, I have begun to implement more cross training into my schedule (primarily in order to prepare myself for a half Ironman in December). Although it wasn't my main objective, I have realized that this heterogeneous training schedule has afforded me the ability to have a less monotonous daily schedule while also allowing specific muscle groups to repair before being stressed again.

I have incorporated a mix of long distance running, biking, swimming, hiking, incline walking, and yoga into my workout schedule alongside my typical indoor weight training workouts. With the variety of different physical activities, my body has definitely had its fair share of sore days, but overall, I have felt much more well rested rather than becoming overly sore and unable to participate in any one activity.

The Highs

In my first ever attempt at swimming more than one lap consecutively, I began my triathlon training with what I planned to be a 750m pool swim (15 full laps)... unfortunately I am not fast enough to do that in the 45 minutes of lane swim I was allotted. I only made it through 600m, BUT wow did I feel great afterwards. Note one: I suck at swimming. Note two: I am not good at pacing myself. Note three: I have found that I will quite literally drown if I don't pace myself during the half Ironman... (true story: as I typed this, I just realized I have to swim the equivalent of 38 full laps in OPEN WATER when I do this half Ironman... no bueno LOL). So moral of the story: Stryker needs to learn how to properly pace himself.

The Lows

Welp last night I hung out with some friends and proceeded to be tortured when they ate pizza and Nashville hot chicken in front of me at midnight... my eating window had closed five hours earlier. Self control = ENGAGED.

How I'm Feeling

I feel awesome. Definitely getting back into my PRs at the gym and definitely setting PRs in the pool. Now I just need to integrate some short distance sprint workouts to help gain a little extra muscle.

I won't lie, I am definitely a little nervous about the upcoming sprint triathlon in September (750m swim, 20K bike, 5K run) and the half Ironman in December (1900m swim, 90K bike, 21.1K run). With this being only my first time to actually swim, I think I have plenty of time to get up to snuff for the events.


  1. Diversify training plan!

  2. PACE! I will quite literally be running a marathon, not a sprint.

  3. Have fun!

49 to go!

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1 Comment

Jul 18, 2021

Good luck! Great goals! I admire your tenacity!

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